Notice of Privacy

DMX Friction Tech, S.A. de C.V. is a Mexican company domiciled at Calle San Mateo No.24, Col. Professor Cristóbal Higuera, Atizapán de Zaragoza, Edo. From Mexico, C.P. 52940.

Compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals and its regulations is one of our main concerns, so the information of our customers, suppliers, employees and third parties with whom DMX Friction Tech maintains commercial relations or of any other nature is treated in a strictly confidential way.

Personal Data and Form of Collection: DMX Friction Tech may collect the personal data of the holders of the data, whether it is from our clients or potential clients, suppliers, applicants to employees or third parties with whom DMX Friction Tech maintains relations of any kind and that are necessary for the development of your business activity. The data may be collected directly from the owner of the data by any means, whether through the web, email, postal mail, telephone or any other means. Said personal data may include the following: full name, image and voice (through the CCTV system), contact information such as address, landline, cell phone, email, work history, position, salary and reason for termination .

 Likewise, in the event that DMX Friction Tech collects personal financial data such as income and other related, RFC or patrimonial data such as material goods, as well as sensitive data, you will obtain the express consent of its owner.

Primary purposes: DMX Friction Tech will process the personal data of the data owner in order to carry out activities and efforts focused on fulfilling its commercial obligations to its customers and suppliers, such as billing, payment, collection, delivery and supply of products. and services, as well as, for the fulfillment of legal requirements.

In the case of applicants to employees, the data of the holder will be processed in order to carry out the process of recruitment, selection and, where appropriate, recruitment of the employee.

  • Have a record of the people who access our facilities.
  • Confirm your identity.
  • Verify the reason for your visit, as well as direct it to the person you visit.
  • Guarantee the safety of the people who are in our facilities, the goods that are within them and the facilities themselves.
  • Evidence before the competent authorities of the safe shipment of our units and the surveillance of our supply chain.
  • Initiate judicial or extrajudicial processes, as well as, use them as evidentiary measure in said processes, as the case may be.


Secondary purposes: Likewise, DMX Friction Tech will process personal data for other purposes such as communicating offers, notices and promotional messages; communications for marketing purposes, advertising on products or services, performing statistical and market analysis, keeping our records updated to respond to your queries, inviting you to events, monitoring our business relationship, as well as maintaining communication in general.

You may object to the processing of your data for secondary purposes at any time through the means that we have made available to you for the exercise of your ARCO rights.

The owner of the data will have a period of 20 (twenty) days so that if this is the case, he / she expresses his refusal to process his personal data for secondary purposes.

To prevent unauthorized access to your personal data and in order to ensure that the information is used for the purposes established in this Privacy Notice, we have established physical, electronic and administrative procedures, using advanced technologies that limit the use or disclosure of your data, allowing us to process it properly.

Collection of data when browsing DMX Friction Tech websites and pages: DMX Friction Tech may collect data through its websites or through the use of automatic data capture tools. These tools allow you to collect the information that your browser sends to said Websites, such as the type of browser you use, the language of the user, the access times and the IP address of the websites you used to access the DMX Friction Tech sites.

 Cookies, Web beacons and links in emails are among the automatic data capture tools used by DMX Friction Tech on its website.

Use of cookies.- The correct functioning of the DMX Friction Tech site requires the enabling of “cookies” in your Internet browser. Cookies are small data files transferred by the website to your computer’s hard drive when you browse the site. In most computers, cookies are automatically accepted by default, you can adjust your browser preferences to accept or reject cookies. Disabling cookies may disable various features of the DMX Friction Tech website or they may not display correctly. In case you prefer to delete cookies, you can delete the file at the end of each browser session.

Use of third-party web beacon.- Also known as Internet tags, pixel tags and clear GIFs). DMX Friction Tech may use Web beacons, alone or in combination with cookies, on its websites and in its HTML emails to collect information on the use of websites and their interaction with email. The Web beacon is an electronic image, called a single pixel (1 × 1) or GIF that can recognize information that is processed on your computer, such as cookies, the time and date that the site and its sections are displayed.

Request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of personal data and revocation of consent: All your personal data is treated in accordance with the applicable legislation in force in the country, and you have the right at all times to access, rectify, cancel or oppose the treatment we give to your personal data (the “ARCO Rights”), as well as to revoke the consent granted for the treatment thereof, a right that you can assert by contacting the Person Responsible for Personal Data at the phone (55) 5816 -0029 or, in writing to the following address Calle San Mateo No.24, Col. Professor Cristóbal Higuera, Atizapán de Zaragoza, Edo. From Mexico, C.P. 52940 or through the email that is available on the website

You must specify the means by which you want to receive the information and, if you do not have this specification on your part, DMX Friction Tech will establish the channel it deems appropriate to send you information.

The obligation to access the information will be considered fulfilled when DMX Friction Tech makes the personal data available to the owner by issuing simple copies, magnetic, optical, sound, visual or holographic means.

For your own benefit and protection, we may request documentation that confirms the corrections to the data you want to access, rectify or cancel or those that you want to oppose. Likewise, we inform you that DMX Friction Tech may not be able to cancel or block all of your personal data in accordance with the applicable laws. Finally, we inform you that the exercise of your ARCO rights is free, with the understanding that DMX Friction Tech may request payment only of justified shipping costs or costs of reproducing the information you request.

This Privacy Notice may be modified from time to time by DMX Friction Tech. Said modifications will be informed from time to time through our website ( or any other means of oral, printed or electronic communication that DMX Friction Tech determines for such an effect.

On the other hand, the company assumes that all the personal data that it has been able to provide us in its relationship with DMX FRICTION TECH are true, complete and accurate, for which reason it is in charge of communicating to the company any changes to them.

In accordance with the provisions of articles 8, 9, 13 and 36 of the Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, (a) I acknowledge that I have read and understand the scope of the Privacy Notice of DMX Friction Tech; (b) I authorize DMX Friction Tech to collect and process my personal data for the purposes established in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Notice, as it may be eventually modified, and the applicable legal provisions.

COVID-19 Privacy Notice – VISITORS

The Information we process from our visitors is:

Answers to a simple questionnaire, included in the registration log, regarding our COVID-19 visitor processes, such as questions related to topics such as travel activities, virus exposure, and symptoms.

Temperature reading with digital thermometers.

How we will use and retain the information:

Our Building Security will supervise the processes of questionnaires and digital thermometers, as applicable.

Depending on the answers to the simple questionnaire or if fever is detected, access may be denied, being necessary to limit the spread of COVID-19.

If you are denied access, contact your host after your departure from the premises.

This process is for safety and health purposes that is in the public interest to protect public health; protect the vital interest of individuals in these facilities; and support in compliance with applicable legislation, including labor law.